Kind comments from students, clients, and crews

Through thick and thin, VidGigsLive has been our unwavering partner in documenting our musical journey. Their loyalty, dedication, and tireless work ethic have left an indelible mark on our band's profile. From capturing our raw beginnings in dimly lit rehearsal spaces to filming our triumphant performances on grand stages, VidGigsLive has been there every step of the way. Their lens has immortalized our passion, struggles, and growth. Their transformative work has elevated our band's visibility, drawing in new fans and amplifying our impact. We owe much of our success to their artistry and commitment. Thank you, VidGigsLive, for being the silent storytellers behind our music.

Rod MacCormack
Lead Singer, Composer
OM Shanties

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend Reg Jacklin, with whom I had the pleasure of collaborating on the project "The Awakening." Throughout our work together, Reg demonstrated exceptional skill and professionalism. His understanding of the filming and editing process is outstanding, and the quality of his work is truly remarkable.

Reg's dedication to the project was evident in every aspect of his contribution. His attention to detail, creative vision, and ability to bring ideas to life made him an invaluable asset to our team. I was so impressed with his work that I have offered him the opportunity to collaborate with me on a feature documentary.

I have no hesitation in referring Reg Jacklin to anyone in need of high-quality filming and editing services. He has proven himself to be a talented and reliable professional who consistently delivers exceptional results.

Brad Carrigan
"The Awakening Project"

Yes, this class met my expectations. I recommend it for Beginner Levels. I loved this. I would watch any class Reg Jacklin teaches. I love the digital diploma on the wall too. More classes please, Reg.

- Student Lise

PERFECT! You are perfect. I have worked with many sound engineers, videographer’s, etc and have never had someone so quickly and perfectly make corrections for me. You are an absolute mastermind! I am so so pleased with your work! Thank you!

- Video client Michelle

Reg Jacklin is the best example of a lifelong learner that I know. He is always working on something and has kept up with up-to-date technologies all along his way. His friendliness is not an act; he genuinely cares about people and wants his relationships to be win-wins for both sides. He is an excellent instructor. Not only is he enthusiastic about his own learning but also he is enthusiastic about the learning of others.

When it comes to videos and other endeavours, Reg is everything from a to z: actor, business analyst, camera-person, director, editor, fixer, greenscreen creator and technician, hirer, instructor, jack-of-all-trades, knock together improvisor, lighting-person, location inspector, microphone-person, narrator, outsourcer, producer, programmer, publisher, quality controller, repairer, scriptwriter, sound-person, special effects person, teleprompter creator, umpire, voice changer using computer technology, website designer, x as in unknown quantity for which there are likely multiple possible values, yeasayer as in a person with an optimistic and confident outlook, and zoomer with regards to zooming-in and zooming-out for video shots.

- Office assistant and camera operator Marnie

I have collaborated with Mr. Jacklin over the years in the field of cinematography and he has demonstrated the qualities that any employer would desire. He has brought the highest standards and positive values to every project that he has taken on. No short cuts are taken on any project at any time.

As for being a team leader, he has shown strong leadership helping other members of the team solve problems that occur during a project including directing, handling the staff and actors with professional decorum.

- Assistant director Ross