
Because we own all our own equipment, we offer competitive rates. We also offer significant discounts for what we consider worthy causes.

Normally, we give the client an estimate as an outcome of the pre production meeting or meetings.

Because there are so many variables in video production, predicting what a particular project will cost can be difficult. Jim Foxx, of Ontario based One Market Media has written some excellent articles on the costs of video production. This one,

What does a corporate web video cost? 25 Factors (with prices) that affect corporate video production costs,

states it very well. His conclusion, which we agree with, is that:

"A two to three minute web-based corporate video presentation might cost between $2500 and $10,000 if you consider the mid range of variables mentioned above. For most professionally produced web-based corporate videos you should consider between $2,000 to $5,000 as a starting point, that will give you a reasonable idea of where to begin in the budgeting process."

His estimates are in Canadian dollars.

Our rates are not his rates of course, but are comparable. For our own detailed rates and terms, please contact us for a current rate card.

The Weak Canadian Dollar - A Boon for Clients Outside Canada

Our weak Canadian dollar makes our already reasonable rates doubly attractive to clients in other countries. With our high speed connections, we provide post production and publishing services for clients anywhere.

Our small and light equipment also makes it easy for us to go anywhere in the world. (Except, of course, to locations we deem to be too dangerous.)